Resources for managing trade and goods movement after Brexit

Movement of goods is essential in all sectors of the clothing, textiles and fashion industry. If you are a manufacturer trying to deliver orders, an online brand shipping internationally or a designer showcasing in Paris Fashion Week your work will be affected by changes in trade and goods movements procedures after Brexit. For the past 46 years the British fashion industry has developed under the assumption of frictionless movement and trade, with brands distributing their operations across countries and freelancers relying on clients across the Eurotunnel. However, Brexit - and especially a no deal Brexit, in which the UK leaves the EU without an agreement on their future relationship - will disrupt these channels. 

Fashion Roundtable has put together an overview for businesses that will engage in trade with or from the UK after Brexit. This is also relevant for people who are required to bring goods to and from the EU, including samples and merchandise. If your business operates in manufacturing and trades with the EU/ rest of the world, please email to be put in touch with BEIS and receive further guidance on operations post-Brexit.

If you or your customers are moving CITES-protected species on 1 Nov (or the following days after) you / they must apply for a CITES permit. This is to allow enough time to apply for and receive your paperwork ahead of moving your items between the UK and the EU after Brexit.

It is vital that we communicate the actions required for movement of CITES species after Brexit as widely as possible. There is Dropbox Showcase page, which contains the digital assets and guidance available here


Exporting from the UK to the EU after Brexit

Importing from the EU to the UK after Brexit

Transport goods out of the UK by road after Brexit


Moving goods in/ out of the UK


Trading post Brexit

No deal advice for businesses trade with the EU/ rest of the world: EORI number, customs, Common Transit Convention, exports controls, VAT.

No deal advice for businesses trading exclusively with the EU: EU-only traders in the UK and in Northern Ireland, Transitional Simplified Procedures, EROI auto-enrollment, importing and exporting within the EU, Common Transit Convention

Using customs procedures in a no deal Brexit: importing with/ without an agent, moving good within the UK and across partner countries, guarantees for moving goods or deferring duty.

Claiming VAT refunds from EU countries after Brexit: HMRC’s VAT online services will no longer be available after the 31st of October, the claimant will need to use each EU country’s individual VAT refund process available here.


Procedures for manufacturers in the UK after Brexit: Placing manufactured goods on the EU market after Brexit and Withdrawal of the UK and EU rules in the field of industrial products: applies primarily to cosmetics, regulation on textile fibre names and related labelling and marking of textile product and labelling of the materials used in the main components of footwear.


Data, intellectual property and design after Brexit

Changes to SPC and patent law in the event of Brexit without an agreement

Changes to design and trade mark law in a no deal BrexitChanges to trade mark law


Trading with the UK as an EU business after Brexit

Trading possibilities after Brexit

UK trade agreements with non-EU countries in a no-deal Brexit