Let’s be clear, the fashion industry is a lot more than catwalk shows, champagne and canapes. Fashion is not just designing for supermodels. When we use the word ‘fashion’ we mean everything from the farmer rearing sheep, to the woollen sweater in your wardrobe, the sustainable brand starting from an entrepreneur’s kitchen table, to a retailer on your high street, or selling via social media on your phone. 

That means every business and everyone within that complex supply chain, from farming, milling, delivery drivers, designers, manufacturing, styling, photography, make-up artists, hairdressers, models, creative directors, producers, buyers, merchandising, marketing, advertising, retailers, fashion journalists, illustrators, public relations, to academia and policy. 

Fashion is much more than catwalk shows, it is core to culture, craft, creativity and change-making.

We also know that fashion faces huge demands from consumers and policy makers to clean up its act, as we square the circle of escalating consumption, with the need to drive profit while reducing fashion’s impact on people and the environment. As global complexities and sustainability-driven targets increase, Fashion Roundtable is uniquely placed for expert forward-thinking and innovative research and strategy, advocacy and influence across all aspects of the sector.

In fact, we are the only organisation who works in this way. 

Through consistent dialogue with governments, business leaders and stakeholders, we ensure impactful change happens at a local, national and international scale. 

Our mission shines through our highly-respected policy recommendations, reports, roundtable and network facilitation, as well as our unique and purposeful campaigns, storytelling and events. 

Fashion Roundtable is underpinned by five pillars which we instil and evaluate throughout our work.

The pillars are:

1) Craft and Culture 

2) Creative Wellbeing 

3) Education 

4) Representation and Inclusion

5) Sustainability and Social Justice