The Latest Resources for EU Exit Preparations


EU Exit preparations

Michael Gove statement on EU Exit preparations: 13 July 2020: Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Michael Gove made a statement in the House of Commons on preparations for the end of the Transition Period.


Movement of goods

How to import and export goods between Great Britain and the EU from 1 January 2021: Information for traders on importing and exporting goods between Great Britain and the EU after 1 January 2021.

List of customs agents and fast parcel operators from 1 January 2021: The list of customs agents has been updated with 17 new entries and 3 amendments, and the list of fast parcel operators with 4 new entries and 1 amendment.


UK Government publishes new Border Operating Model: press release

The Border Operating Model: A guide to how the border with the European Union will work after the transition period.


Importing animals, animal products and high-risk food and feed not of animal origin from 1 January 2021: New sections on importing from an EU country added, including the rules from 1 January 2021, 1 April 2021 and 1 July 2021.


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