A'Level Results Highlight A Sharp Decline In Arts and Creative Subjects.
With A'Level results out yesterday, Fashion Roundtable would like to draw our friends' to the work that our advocacy partners ISM and NSEAD have done to highlight the unintended consequence of the EBacc's STEM not STEAM curriculum, to our creative subject talent pool.
This year’s A-level results, published today by the Joint Council for Qualifications, show the EBacc is continuing to have a very damaging effect on creative education in England.
They confirm a continued a decline in uptake in all creative subjects at A'level over the past five years. During that period, uptake in all creative subjects has dropped by 11%, compared to a fall of 2.6% in A'level entries overall.
Despite this trend, the Department for Education seems determined to continue with plans for 90% of schools to study the EBacc.
The STEM (all the subjects in the diagram, minus the arts) based curriculum is at odds with the growth opportunities from creative industries, which as this Nesta report highlights are growing at twice the rate of other sectors, growing an impressive 11% in the last analysis and is estimated to generate 1m more jobs by 2030.
To learn more about this worrying downward spiral in our creative supply talent pool, please go to #FreeMoveCreate to learn more and to understand what you can do, including letting your MP know your concerns.