Government Resources: Sanction updates, Transit, Goods, advance tariff ruling and more

Financial sanctions, Russia: Updated with ‘Latest HM Treasury Notice, Russia, 04/04/2022’.
Financial sanctions, ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida organisations: Updated with: Latest HM Treasury Notice, Financial sanctions, 04/04/2022, ISIL (Da’esh) and Al-Qaida

Goods movement
Borders Bulletin – HMRC system issues update

HMRC are sorry to report that the problems with their IT systems have persisted over the weekend.  

They have therefore made the decision to leave the current continuity plans in place until midday Thursday 7 April. HMRC sincerely apologise for the inconvenience this is causing and appreciate your patience as they work through the issues. This means: 

  • Goods Vehicle Movement Service (GVMS) – Carriers are able to allow goods to proceed without a Goods Movement Reference (GMR). Hauliers will need other evidence that a declaration has been made, for example a reference from CHIEF or a transit accompanying document (this list is non exhaustive and other forms of evidence may be applicable).

  • New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) – Although customer access appears intermittent, NCTS remains available to customers. The current continuity plan allows drivers to travel without presenting a GMR as long as they have a Transit movement reference number.

HMRC regularly publishes system availability updates here and they would encourage you to refer back to this page before embarking on any journey.  As a reminder, businesses can access support with any system-related problems via the HMRC Customs and International Trade helpline: 

Upload documents and get messages for the Customs Declaration Service After you’ve sent HMRC supporting documents has been updated with time limits for air freight imports, road freight imports, marine freight imports and exports.

Transit Manual Supplement Version 6.4 of the Transit Manual Supplement has been published.

Maps of East Midlands Freeport tax sites The tax sites for East Midlands Freeport have been designated with effect from 22 March 2022.
Maps of Solent Freeport tax sites: The tax sites for Solent Freeport have been designated with effect from 22 March 2022.

Advance Tariff Ruling
Apply for an Advance Tariff RulingInformation has been added about how to apply if you have a business tax account and if you do not have a business tax account. HMRC will reply to your application within 30 to 120 days.

Exchange Rates
HMRC exchange rates for 2022: monthlyThe April 2022 monthly exchange rates have been updated.

Customs declaration completion requirements for Great Britain: This Supplement has been updated to include the introduction of new facilitations under the Freeport Arrangements being introduced on 1 April 2022. The following sections of the Supplement have been updated: Part 1, 2022 updates, Freeports. Part 2, Annexe 1, CDS Appendices, Appendix 1 and 2; DE 1/10 to DE 1/11 Correlation Matrices; and Simplified Procedure Exclusion List. Part 2, Annexe 2, CHIEF Tariff Appendices, Appendix 4.

Notices made under the Customs (Import Duty) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018: Notices made under the Customs (Import Duty) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018 has been updated to reflect changes to evidence requirements for pre-lodgement locations.

Notices made under the Free Zone (Customs, Excise and Value Added Tax) Regulations 2021: First published.

Data Element 2/3: Documents and Other Reference Codes (Union) of the Customs Declaration Service: New codes Y801, Y802, Y805, Y806, Y807, Y808, Y809, Y810, Y811, Y812, Y813, Y814, Y815, Y816, Y820, Y821, Y822, Y824 and Y825 have been added to facilitate the operation of sanctions imposed against Russia and Belarus.

Declaring goods and paying tax when using a Freeport customs site: Guidance has been updated to include what you must do to import controlled goods into a Freeport customs site.

Storing, processing or producing excise goods in a Freeport customs site: First published.

TIR Newsletter
Community, Common Transit and TIR newsletters: Newsletter 7 – March 2022 has been added to the page. It gives information about the Scotland Frontier main office (GB000067) which can no longer be used in transit declarations from 1 April 2022, and tells you which new main offices you should use.


OP-ED: Tamara Cincik, CEO at Fashion Roundtable on Working Class Aspiration, the Creative Industries and the Levelling Up Agenda.


Government Resources: Spring Statement, updated sanctions and more