Government Resources: Fashion Sector Guidance for EU Working and IP Rights


Travel and Touring

Working and touring in Europe – guidance for the fashion sector: First published - A checklist for fashion professionals working, performing or touring in an EU country, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein.

Common Travel Area: rights of UK and Irish citizens: Added the use of Irish passport cards to travel from Ireland to the UK. Added guidance for family members from the EU, EEA or Switzerland on the use of national ID cards from 1 October 2021.


Using the UKCA marking: We have added more information on when you can self-declare. We have also updated the ‘Relevant UK and EU legislation’ section to remove inaccurate legislation.


Consultation on the UK’s future regime for the exhaustion of IP rights

The UK government has published a consultation seeking views on the UK’s future regime for the exhaustion of IP rights, which is the system that underpins the rules on parallel trade in the UK. To access the consultation (closes on 31st August) and respond, please click on the link [here].


Rental Fashion Platforms: A Sign of the Times?


Press Release: A Fashion Moment as Fashion Roundtable achieves a new division at the union Bectu for fashion stylists and fashion assistants launching this month.