Government Resources: Customs, Withdrawal Agreement, Trade agreements, and Sanctions

Customs Agents
Search the register of customs agents and fast parcel operators: The list of customs agents has been updated.

VAT Return
Complete your VAT Return to account for import VAT: From 1 June 2022, businesses registered under the Flat Rate Scheme should no longer include imports accounted for under postponed VAT accounting within their flat rate turnover. These should be accounted for separately, outside of the Flat Rate Scheme.

Withdrawal Agreement
Factsheet: Withdrawal Agreement Joint Committee: Updated the UK Alternate co-chair of the Withdrawal Agreement Joint Committee.

Agenda of the ninth meeting of the Withdrawal Agreement Joint Committee: 21 February 2022: First published.

Withdrawal Agreement Joint Committee: Agenda for the ninth Withdrawal Agreement Joint Committee (on 21 February 2022) added.

Agenda and minutes of the Trade Partnership Committee: 16 November 2021Meeting minutes added.

UK Trade Agreements
UK trade agreements with non-EU countriesUpdate of total UK trade with statistics.

UK Sanctions
The UK Sanctions ListAdministrative corrections made to the 4 new formats of the UK Sanctions List. No changes have been made to actual designations or listings.