Posts tagged Gender Inequality
OP-ED: Why We Must Tackle Sexual Harassment and Gender Imbalances in Fashion

The fashion industry strives for images where women are placed at the forefront of power, yet behind the scenes they are left vulnerable to gender-based harassment and predatory behaviours. We need greater allyship to improve gender equality— without a collective effort, people who engage in destructive behaviours will continue their cycle of abuse. Time’s up on the fashion industry’s gender imbalance.

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Thoughts on The UK in a Changing Europe's 'Brexit & Gender Conference' - By Rafaella de Freitas

A year from #metoo and #aidtoo we have to understand the impacts that women feel across all areas of policy. The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Esther McVey, has confirmed that some families will be worse off with Universal Credit. Every year we know that from the end of October women are working for free compared to men. The austerity programme introduced in 2008 by Cameron has impacted women 86% than men. With female homelessness on the rise at one end, and the10% difference in male and female graduate employment we need to understand what is happening and why women are still more negatively impacted men?

I attended the Gender and Politics Conference by The UK in a Changing Europe to learn what experts were thinking about how these issues will manifest after Brexit.

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What Does Creative Diversity Really Mean? Exploring The Research of The Design Council – By Lucy Siers

The Design Council’s recent design economy research has supported the message that a more diverse workforce will lead to a more diverse output and wider audience appreciation. The Design Council has added depth to this understanding by uncovering further statistics and underpinning their message with both the positives and negatives of a diverse design workforce. The Design Council explains that a more diverse workforce will be able to understand the needs of an increasingly diverse population.
Using both the full Design Economy 2018 report and their article on the link between diversity and business performance, Fashion Roundtable looks to break down their findings and view them from the perspective of the fashion industry.

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At What Price Is The UK Not Smashing The Glass Ceiling? Asks Tamara Cincik.

This lack of gender diversity is not only deeply worrying, as the report has not even touched on ethnic diversity amongst these women it also highlights that a lack of any women at the top of these companies is literally bad for business. FTSE350 companies with no women on their executive committee only achieve a net profit margin5 of 8.9%, whereas the figure soars by 5%, to 13.9% in businesses with at least 25% women at this level.

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Gender Inequality in the Media & Fashion Roundtable’s Inclusion Rider By Lucy Siers

The European Journalism Observatory (EJO) recently analysed the gender diversity in bylines across 11 different European countries. The result echoed the gender imbalances across all creative industries, with women continually falling second behind men. This issue filters through to all creative industries, and needs addressing at the source of the problem.

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