Posts tagged Jack Karet
Fashion Roundtable Minutes – Brexit and the Fashion Industry Roundtable 17th January 2018

4x faster job creation than other industries.

Conditions put into place to allow industry to grow

Survey across CIs and what vote trends were

96 % in favour of Remain

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PRESS RELEASE: Fashion Roundtable To Host a Roundtable at Push PR 13/12 3.30pm -5.30pm. It's Time To Talk The Fashion Industry and Brexit

For an industry, which conservative estimates say voted 95% Remain, the need for dialogue around Brexit and the potential impacts to the fashion sector are clear.

A sector based on global trade and talent, with creative exchange and international travel at the heart of it's business model: how does it survive and indeed thrive through the upcoming UK and EU trade deals, as they begin in earnest next month in Brussels?

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