Posts tagged Sarah Mower
Will the government U-turn on the VAT Retail Export Scheme?

After holding two key roundtables last week, we discuss one of the key findings being the effect of the end to the UK’s VAT Retail Export Scheme.

The unilateral decisions by the UK Government to end the lucrative VAT Retail Export Scheme, which Sylvie Freund-Pickavance cited as having the potential to generate £10bn in terms of sales, hospitality and tourism, was cited as a missed opportunity. This is something that Fashion Roundtable have been consistently lobbying on.

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J W Anderson wins Designer of the Year at last night's fashion awards

Last night J W Anderson took home ‘Designer of the Year’ award at the British Fashion Council ‘Fashion Awards 2023.’

Of course Anderson wasn’t the only one to take home an award last night, Sarah Burton who took on the mantle after Alexander McQueen passed, was honoured with a special achievement award for her 13 years as Creative Director. She has left a very large gap in the role of women as Creative Directors in the fashion sector.

Sarah Mower was also awarded a special recognition award for championing young designer talent. Her dedication to New Gen talent in all forms has been game-changing for so many and something which Anderson acknowledged in his speech.

Finally, Editor-in-Chief of British Vogue, Edward Enninful OBE, received the Trailblazer Award for his contribution to the fashion industry.

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Fashion x Brexit - Fashion Roundtable's 1st Anniversary Event at Bistrotheque 21/11/2018

96% of you voted Remain and with that in mind, we wanted to bring your concerns to the centre of this anniversary event. Especially as by then we might finally have some clarity on the deal or whether we are looking at No Deal and therefore be able to decode what this means for you, your business, our fashion futures.

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PRESS RELEASE: Fashion Roundtable To Host a Roundtable at Push PR 13/12 3.30pm -5.30pm. It's Time To Talk The Fashion Industry and Brexit

For an industry, which conservative estimates say voted 95% Remain, the need for dialogue around Brexit and the potential impacts to the fashion sector are clear.

A sector based on global trade and talent, with creative exchange and international travel at the heart of it's business model: how does it survive and indeed thrive through the upcoming UK and EU trade deals, as they begin in earnest next month in Brussels?

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PRESS RELEASE: Fashion Roundtable Launches With An Intimate Supper For Politicians and Fashion Industry at Hoi Polloi on 21/11/2017

Fashion Roundtable is the brainchild of Tamara Cincik, who has brought together a panel team of experts from the fashion, academia, business, politics and economics sectors, to create a new and exciting opportunity for the work of fashion, consumer needs and policy makers, to be better integrated and supported. Her unique experience working in both the UK and international fashion industry for almost 20 years, as well as in Westminster as a Parliamentary Researcher gave her access and insight all areas, to frontline politics. She organised two parliamentary roundtables where the fashion industry could meet with politicians in the House of Commons, to discuss their business and Brexit concerns with policy makers.

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