The Weekly Briefing - 8 February

Our roundup of the week’s fashion headlines…

BBC News
The fast fashion graveyard in Chile’s Atacama Desert
A new BBC video spotlights the tonnes of unwanted clothing from Europe and the US dumped in the Atacama Desert, the views of local policymakers, and the harm handling these tonnes of clothing is inflicting on the local population. Watch.

The Guardian
Brands are moving from fast to ‘forever fashion’ - but are new clothes ever sustainable?
A look into the question of whether fashion can ever be sustainable, makes an poignant observation about the way those in the front row style themselves with longevity, whilst heralding in the new styles each season. Read.

UK Dragons Take A Bite Of Fast-Growing Clothing Rental Market
Children’s clothing subscription, thelittloop, brought rental mainstream on the television show Dragon’s Den last week, with two of the ‘dragons’ seeing the potential in a business model that sees a shared wardrobe for children’s clothing. Read

The Fashion Law
Should Meta Be the One Setting Ethical Guidelines for Virtual Influencers?
A dive into the meta-world of influencers, and how they should be governed. Tama Leaver and Rachel Berryman take a look at the legal and ethical side of virtual influencing, and more importantly, who should be making those rules. Read.