London & Local Councils





For confidential help, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or click here

For confidential support on suicide matters in the UK, call the Samaritans on 08457 90 90 90, visit a local Samaritans branch or click here.

Rebecca Weef Smith worked as a counsellor specialising in supporting those in the creative industries before embarking on an MSc in Applied Positive Psychology and developing WearingWellbeing as a platform to discuss how fashion can be good for us.

Read about mental health recovery and the work life here.




Chatham House, a think tank working on international and current affairs

UK in A Changing Europe, is a non-partisan think tank working on Brexit policy. It provides an authoritative, non-partisan and impartial reference point for those looking for information, insights and analysis about UK-EU relations

The Centre for European Reform is a think-tank headed by Charles Grant, devoted to making the European Union work better and strengthening its role in the world.

Policy Exchange, a think tank working on jobs and social mobility as well as the public sector.

The European External Action Service

Representation & Inclusion

Creative Industries, Tech and Innovation



Free Move Create

Fashion Roundtable support #freemovecreate as we are keen to see solutions around domicile support for talent back into the Brexit conversation. We advocate for the creation of hyper local talent hubs for fashion and the arts in all cities and a creative policy to support all levels of the fashion industry and creative sector with on-going freedom of movement once the UK leaves the EU.

Fashion is about fluidity of travel and thought, for both our talents and for our products.

Any slowing down on travel to brands or to talent, will mean in a reduction to the UK fashion reputation and presence on the global stage. Brands will consider relocation, talent will go where the brands are to shoot. This will impact upon our tax, meaning a £29.7bn UK industry will start to unravel. Fashion and the arts are intrinsic to the cultural value of the UK: we make it a great place to live, surrounded by the best talents in the world.

Bacc for the Future

Fashion Roundtable supports the #baccforthefuture campaign because we know the value: economic, cultural and for the future talent pipeline, of a generation of students educated in the arts. The creative sector is thriving, 1 in 11 of us work in these industries with fashion leading this exciting growth. The jobs of the future will need us to be critical and creative thinkers: all the skills learnt by a STEAM education.

But while other countries are pumping money into creative education, the unintended consequence of the UK’s Ebacc is a 16% decline to Art and Design GCSE uptake in 2 years.

That’s not future-proofing our economy or our international reputation. In combination with Brexit, with its call for the reduction in immigration, we need to ensure our domicile talent is well educated across all skills sets, to remain innovative, global leaders.