APPG Textiles and Fashion Parliamentary Event 24/01/18 #jointAPPGaction #drawntogether

The Newly Formed Textiles and Fashion APPG Joins Forces with 9 other Cross-Party Parliamentary Groups To Protect Freedom of Movement In A Post-Brexit Europe.

On Wednesday 24th January, the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Textiles and Fashion has joined nine other APPGs on the need to secure mobility of creative talent post-Brexit. Of the creative sector’s £91.8bn worth Textiles and Fashion contributes over £28bn to the UK economy and employs almost 1m nationwide. It is also a huge BAME employer, however many of the workforce within the Textiles and Fashion sector are freelance, or work within SME companies, meaning until now, it has been harder to hear their concerns versus those of sectors where the large proportion work within big organisations. 

Across the textiles and fashion industry, Freedom of Movement is crucial. From trade and fashion shows, in Berlin, Copenhagen, Paris and Florence this month alone, the sector is geographically fluid and economically mobile.

Without Government awareness and support, there are real concerns that that many talented creatives within fashion, who make this country a great place to start their business, or for global businesses to first establish their European market presence as a launch pad into the EU, will relocate. It is worth noting that global fashion tech leaders, such as Net-A-Porter, Farfetch and Business of Fashion are all headquartered here, as well as the European base of Amazon.

The possible introduction of visa requirements for EU workers in the UK and vice versa will increase costs and administrative burden on the sector. Creative industries rely on the free movement of people and will need a visa-free access or visa simplification procedure for their professionals. This is why Fashion Roundtable have signed up to the #FreeMoveCreate campaign and we urge all here to do so as well at

Sharon Hodgson MP, Chair of APPG Art Craft Design in Education said: 

"The creative industries are the fastest-growing sector of the UK economy, worth over £92bn – more than oil and gas, life sciences and aerospace combined – and employing more than 3 million people. We need the best possible access to EU talent and skills that the creative sector needs. Open and flexible to EU creative talent." #jointAPPGaction #drawntogether

Dr. Lisa Cameron MP, Chair of the APPG for Textiles and Fashion said: 

"All of these fashion economic powerhouses are at risk from a future Brexit trade deal which fails to deliver on freedom of movement and on-going fluid EU customs union access. A failure to address and deliver on the needs of this sector will see these brands and others, making difficult decisions about where they are headquartered, with serious threats to the UK economy and our recognition as a world leader in fashion and the creative industries."